How I’ve Practiced Self Care.

Self-care is hard, especially with so many things going on nowadays, but that’s why it’s most important. Here are four of the ways that I like to (or will try to) practice self care.


Even if you don’t exchange comments on Facebook posts or messages in your group chat, you’re still engaged by reading it. Sometimes you need to just put your phone somewhere and chill. Catch up on your shows, read a book, or make a vision board 😉. One time to accomplish this, I literally had to put my phone in another room so that I wouldn’t look at it. It’s always on silent, so that wasn’t a problem. It worked!

Take a solo trip.

This can be very hard for folks. I know people who won’t even go to the movies by themselves. This baffles me as you’re supposed to be quiet in the theater anyway lol. I took one solo trip to Miami a couple of years ago and it was beautiful! I’ll admit, it was a little weird at first because I didn’t have to wait until other people arrived or I didn’t have to check to see what they wanted to do. It turned out to be the best part. I was able to focus on myself and just get up and do whatever. I did a spa day, talked to some locals (and visitors) and finished a book on the beach (that was taking me forever to finish reading). It doesn’t have to be somewhere far. It can be a quick overnight trip to a close city. Save up, and book it! It’s so worth it.

Do things you love.

This can be anything. I’ve started to go more regularly to the nail salon. Not just when I needed a mani/pedi, but polish changes too. It’s the little things. I’ve also started a Zumba class that I go to, just when I feel like it. I need it to be fun, not an obligation for myself. You can also do things that are free. Go to a museum on a free day. Turn on your favorite album – my go to for this mood is usually Jhene, Adele, or Solange. For my hip hop mood, Kanye or J Cole. Just depends. If you don’t enjoy your own company, how can you expect someone else to?

Get some sleep!

This is a given, but it’s so important. Even if you have to sneak quick naps throughout the week. I’ve been getting more sleep lately and I can DEFINITELY tell. Again, it’s the little things.

How do you practice self care?

*cue A Seat at the Table*

2 thoughts on “How I’ve Practiced Self Care.

  1. Miranda Powekl

    Yesssss! I’m trying to decide where to take my solo trip this year. You know I kicks it solo all the time! I gotta get off social media! Good read!


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